You can get other loot, but it's the Gems that are the main reason to do Hidden Lairs. Hidden Lairs are rotating dungeons that give you and your party at least one normal Gem per run, but usually more. While focusing on the story, completing battle pass challenges, or just mowing down enemies to farm XP, you've probably noticed the 'A Hidden Lair has opened in this zone' message pop up at random moments. What are Hidden Lairs in Diablo Immortal? Realm of Damnation Hidden Lair locations.Library of Zoltun Kulle Hidden Lair locations.What are Hidden Lairs in Diablo Immortal?.To save you time, we’ve got all the Hidden Lair map locations for every area in Diablo Immortal found so far below, including the early zones of Ashwold Cemetery, Dark Wood, and Shassar Sea. Normal Gems can be combined to upgrade their rank and raise these stats even further, so finding Hidden Lair locations and battling in them can help make your class even stronger. Completing Hidden Lairs in Diablo Immortal is a great way to get normal Gems, which can be slotted into your gear to raise your character’s stats.